Vincent Lau-G Wireless Communications for Content-Centric Applications and Mission-Critical IoT

日期:2018-08-27 类型: Academic 学术交流

G Wireless Communications for Content-Centric Applications and Mission-Critical IoT

Abstract:Many people wonder if research on wireless communication is dead. In this talk, we will discuss two scenarios where the research on wireless communication is not only still alive and there are still a lot of exciting opportunities ahead. The first scenario deals with the design of wireless network to support content-centric applications. The second scenario deals with multiple access design for mission-critical IoT. By considering application-specific wireless network designs, we look at interference (which is well known to be a fundamental bottleneck in wireless networks) from a new paradigm and propose new designs that can have substantial performance gains compared with state-of-the-art designs where the wireless network is regarded as application-transparent. In the first example, we exploit the fact that contents are cachable and by pushing the cache to the edge of the wireless networks, we can transform unfavorable topology in the radio interface into favorable topology. In the second example, we exploit the unique requirement of mission-critical control applications and the interplay between control theory and communication theory to transform harmful interference into useful measurement. We propose a simple and efficient modulation-free over-the-air-fusion scheme which can achieve zero-access latency and superb spectral efficiency to support mission critical control applications.